
Component Obsolescence Sourcing

Sourcing parts that have become obsolete can lead to disruptions in your supply chain. When you partner with Brevan Electronics, we construct an obsolescence sourcing strategy for uninterrupted production. Our 35+ years of industry experience and proprietary sourcing platform have granted us the knowledge to source end-of-life parts. Send us your obsolescence sourcing requirements here.

Access to Components Worldwide 

Obsolescence Monitoring

Identify Alternative Parts

Deliver High-Quality Obsolete Components

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Dedicated Specialist

Your account specialist strategically plans for any production changes.


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Managed Stock

Brevan Electronics ensures you have buffer stock to avoid disruptions in the future.


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Alternative Parts

We help prepare you for the future by establishing alternative parts so you can continue production.


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Quality You Can Trust

Our quality team ensures the parts pass vigorous testing and inspection before delivering parts.


Locate Hard-to-Find Parts

Send us over your obsolete components to avoid uninterrupted builds.

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